Stands up for own values and beliefs, with respect and responsibility

Stands up for own values and beliefs, with respect and responsibility

  • Promoting cultural competence

    What Is Culture? Culture is the totality of values, beliefs, and behaviors common to a large group of people. A culture may include shared language and folklore, communication styles and ideas, and thinking patterns—the “truths” accepted by members of the group. Members of culture have similar expectations of life. The term “culture” derives from the Latin word “cultura” which means…

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  • Natural and moral authority

    Stephen Covey identifies the natural laws with human principles. In his book “the 8th Habit” he states that principles are like natural laws. They are universal – they transcend culture and geography. They are timeless, and they never change – principles such as fairness, kindness, respect, honesty, integrity, service and contribution. Different cultures may translate into different practices, nevertheless, they…

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