Openness to values and beliefs held by each individual member of the team and of the group

Openness to values and beliefs held by each individual member of the team and of the group

  • Get back to your true nature (video) – Dr. Gabor Mate

    In this video, Dr. Gabor Maté gives a beautiful speech on human nature and the implications culture has on our ability to maintain it. In this segment of the speech, he discusses four different categories of self-alienation, and provides a sentiment of hope to stay in touch with our true nature as we move forward through the challenging times of…

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  • Facilitation as a leadership style

    As leadership expert Warren Bennis once stated, “leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Leadership means different things to different people around the world, and different things in different situations. For example, it could relate to community leadership, religious leadership, political leadership, and leadership of campaigning groups. The words “leader” and “leadership” are often used incorrectly to describe…

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  • Social Cohesion

    Cohesion is the degree to which group members come together as one unit to reach a common goal. Members of cohesive groups see themselves as one entity rather than a collection of individuals. Group members have positive regard for one another and get along well. They listen to and trust one another and respect each other’s opinion even if they…

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  • Promoting cultural competence

    What Is Culture? Culture is the totality of values, beliefs, and behaviors common to a large group of people. A culture may include shared language and folklore, communication styles and ideas, and thinking patterns—the “truths” accepted by members of the group. Members of culture have similar expectations of life. The term “culture” derives from the Latin word “cultura” which means…

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  • Express your voice – Conscience vs Ego

    Description: The Whole Person Paradigm tool (linked) identifies the four elements of human nature (body, mind, heart, and spirit). Corresponding to those four elements are four capacities or intelligence that every human being possesses: physical (PQ), mental (IQ), emotional (EQ), and spiritual (SQ) intelligence. Mental Intelligence (IQ) – When we speak of intelligence, we usually think in terms of mental…

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  • The Whole Person Paradigm

    This article is extracted from Stephen Covey’s book the 8th Habit. In the first part of his book he argues that many of our “modern” management practices come from the Industrial Age management tactics, that are mainly based on working with manual workers and treating them as “things”. He identifies the problem as a bad management with applying the Industrial…

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  • Personal values assessment Increasing the personal awareness of your values is of utmost importance to understand the direction of your civic engagement and empowerment in society. In simplest terms, personal value is something that person values, one’s judgment of what is important in life, principles or standards of behavior on which basis your perceptions are built, and the decisions are done. Consciously…

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  • Diversity awareness

    Diversity awareness is one’s ability to embrace the uniqueness of all individuals along several dimensions such as race, religious beliefs, ethnicity, age, gender, physical abilities, political beliefs, a socioeconomic status. Diversity awareness skills extend beyond mere tolerance to encompass exploration of such individual differences, respecting them, and ultimately nurturing a healthy relationship with the individual despite the differences. With the…

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