An ability to clearly express thoughts and emotions

An ability to clearly express thoughts and emotions

  • Practicing compassionate communication

    Why did I choose this tool? Non-violent communication is one of the most effective methods that I have learned when it comes to communication. If everyone practiced non-violent communication, I believe that the quality of communication between people would be greatly improved and many problems would be prevented or solved. Talking about emotions isn’t something that most people are used…

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  • Is it safe?

    Category: Communicating Meaningfully with Others Why did I choose this tool? I chose this tool because it states the obvious. Sometimes we look for complicated theories and research when actually what we need are just some simple and obvious, but often ignored, steps. We can take a look at this tool before every training or can be made as a…

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  • Games People Play

    Why did I choose this tool? I’m so happy to have found this book, “Games People Play” by Dr. Eric Berne. Although it is expressed in a language that is a bit old fashioned and belongs to the field of psychotherapy, I still found it very applicable and relatable. Since reading it I have actually come across a few situations…

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  • Emotional Intelligence Principles and how to apply them

    Why did I choose this tool? Emotional intelligence is often referred to, but it is not often described in details and there is even less information about how to actually develop it. With this tool the aim is to do both, although it can only be a starting point in the journey to become more emotionally intelligent (or as I…

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  • Don’t shoot the messengers

    Why did I choose this tool? My upbringing was one that generally vilified negative emotions, particularly anger and disgust, and glorified the positive emotions such as happiness, contentment and love. What I came to understand later on in life is that the negative emotions, including anger and disgust, are actually part and parcel of a life of happiness and contentment,…

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  • Deal with the issue, don’t attack the person

    Why did I choose this tool? Many times, I have made the mistake of attempting to solve an issue by “attacking those involved”, even though I wouldn’t call it that. And I’ve also seen others do it. The results are generally negative, people feel hurt, lash out, they attack back, the conversation stops and any attempt to communicate or learn…

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  • Emotional Arc

    Why did I choose this tool? This tool, more than many others, is what makes me feel confident in my abilities as a trainer. In planning a workshop, the participants will go on an emotional journey, and to some extent we can predict where they’ll go. The point of this tool is to imagine how participants will experience our workshop,…

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  • Permission to Feel

    Why did I choose this tool? I believe that one of the most important parts of creating a safe space is to let people know that they have the permission to feel whatever it is that they’re feeling. I chose this tool because I love simple tools that are easy to remember and yet sometimes difficult to put into practice.…

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