Contributing actively to team tasks

Contributing actively to team tasks

  • Doing out of the box

    Introduction How many times have you been in a situation where you didn’t know what to do? How many times have you come to a dead-end and contemplated accepting reality? What made you stop or give up? Has it happened to you, while in a dead-end street, suddenly, a brilliant idea pops-up in your head? Or maybe an idea that…

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  • Resonating relationships

    Introduction Every team is like a small community. They bring their values and beliefs inside the team, as well as, their fears and expectations, their goals and aspirations, their personalities and their working styles. After some time the team starts creating their own ways of doing things and their unique organizational culture. They set and shape new values, principles, working…

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  • Do I dare to be challenged?

    Why did I choose this tool? The previous articles focus on the basic model of the ability to challenge ourselves, the reflections connected to increasing our capacity and stepping out of our comfort zone. This article will focus on what challenges us and what is our response to a variety of challenges. The understanding of our attitude when we are…

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  • Being lucky to learn and grow

    Why did I choose this tool? For the writing of this article, I decided to do wider and longer research. I read some subject-related and non-related books and articles. I spoke with lots of colleagues during seminars and with some colleagues in my team. I observed different workshops and different kind of approaches. All of that has triggered different reflections.…

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  • Challenges ahead

    Challenges ahead

    Some years ago I visited Croatia and its beautiful Plitvice lakes. The tour of the region brought us to a lake, which was placed on an actual old mineshaft that now represented a beautiful turquoise lake. Near that lake, there was a steep cliff around 10-15 meters high from where the locals were diving in. The picturesque scenery, good mood…

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