Integrating the learners’ socio-political backgrounds into the educational program

Integrating the learners’ socio-political backgrounds into the educational program

  • Putting the information in the context

    If we don’t put the information that we have collected in the right perspective, we could lose the real dimension of the project, issue or problem. The context is the basis for reading the findings and allow the development of an opinion, ideas or future strategies. The context is one of the fundamental items that are allowing a researcher to…

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  • Understanding, Manipulating and transforming tools

    Introduction: Here we’ll have to explore practical skills. Skills that gets sharpened by experience and tough situations a trainer can find him/herself in. It is closely tied to the “Making Observations” article. Both rotate around each other. We observe, interpret and take actions accordingly. Then we re-observe what these actions have produced so we can assess the situation again. It…

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  • Making Observations and challenging your assumptions

    Making Observations and challenging your assumptions

    Introduction: Seek and you shall find. If we don’t seek we won’t find. It is that simple. If you think that the program is perfect and is a masterpiece, you will never observe anything that wouldn’t support that assumption. Here the criterion is “readiness”, which is being ready to observe the things that oppose your presumptions about the program and…

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  • Political Correctness and Sensitivity

    Political Correctness and Sensitivity

    Introduction: We live in a world where integration between diverse groups, whether religious or race or whatever base these groups were built, is needed more than ever. These days are not like early in the century when a few groups were dominating the discourse. These dominant groups used terms that are relevant to them and only them, terms that can…

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  • Global issues awareness

    Global issues awareness

    Introduction: Being aware of what is happening all over the globe is quite hard and sometimes exhausting emotionally and mentally. However, as a trainer to integrate socio-political elements in programs, there must be a limited amount of knowledge of most socio-political events relevant to the program, learners and/or the topic. It is a hard task, but one that is essential…

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