Maintaining awareness of one’s own identity

Maintaining awareness of one’s own identity

  • Shedding old masks

    Why did I choose this tool? The article referenced in this tool is one that jumped out at me at exactly the right time, a time of transition, reevaluation, and letting go of some things that I had held dear and thought were a part of me for a very long time. It inspired me to know that not only…

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  • What is identity?

    Why did I choose this tool? Developing an unconditional acceptance and appreciation for all the members of the group and being able to look beyond their looks, religion, political views, age, ethnicity, social standing or any other potential definitions of identity is essential to creating a safe and open space for growth. The reason for this is that it is…

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  • What does it mean to you? – Understanding the relationship between meaning and identity

    Why did I choose this tool? While over-emphasizing cultural differences can reinforce certain stereotypes and cultural misunderstandings, looking at the meanings that are assigned to those things we find so different can bring us to the awareness that we are not that different after all. How does this apply to being a trainer? As trainers firstly it is necessary to…

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  • Understanding the connection between the identity and the ego

    Why did I choose this tool? The only way to be in control of our ego rather than letting it control us is to become aware of how the ego operates, and most importantly to differentiate between the ego and between our true selves. When we become aware of the ego and its operations, it can no longer “operate in…

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  • Social identity and attachment theories

    Why did I choose this tool? When I learned about attachment theory, it was a breakthrough for me. It helped me to understand my behavior online and offline, and why certain things mattered so much to me (for example why I would prefer to have a negative response from someone than not to have any response at all). This made…

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  • Can I create my own identity?

    Why did I choose this tool? Being a third culture kid myself, and having radically changed what might have been considered “permanent” aspects of my identity, I highly value the process of questioning and exploring the identity, and being able to make our own choices when it comes to what defines us. I also value it when people have the…

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