Reflecting and using diverse methods and ways to increase self-awareness

Reflecting and using diverse methods and ways to increase self-awareness

  • The Game of Culture

    Why did I choose this tool? Being a gamer myself, I see the correlation between my gaming experiences and my intercultural experiences, and how the below-mentioned principles actually apply to both. I have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles in my life by applying these principles and I hope they can help you as well regardless of whether or not you are…

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  • Unpacking Conflict

    Why did I choose this tool? I have noticed that a lot of material about conflicts is more theoretical than practical, so I took upon myself the challenge of connecting the theory about “stages of conflict” to an example that actually happened, to analyze a real conflict. and learn about its stages and consequently how it could be avoided/resolved. How…

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  • Understanding human needs and how they affect behavior

    Why did I choose this tool? When it comes to methods of raising self-awareness and capitalizing on the outcomes for the learners’ benefit, I have found no better method then understanding the needs that are driving behavior. I have developed this model through gaining insights from many different sources and also through observation of behavior, cause and effect. This model…

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  • Facilitating Peace

    Why did I choose this tool? This tool will give you some insight of how you can deconstruct an emotionally charged political/religious conflict and facilitate a deep reflection process that reaches beyond these elements and reaches the core of the conflict on an emotional level and thereby has the potential to reach a genuine solution How does this apply to…

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  • How to Conduct a Constructive Debate

    Why did I choose this tool? I personally like debates a lot and have learned a lot from the debates that I have participated in and from the ones that I have facilitated. I also know that it’s not always easy to have an effective debate, both from the perspective of the facilitator and that of the participants. I chose…

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  • Emotional Intelligence – the key to developing your intercultural competence

    Why did I choose this tool? Although the research behind and the proven importance of emotional intelligence is widely recognized, there is still a gap between how relevant emotional intelligence has been proven to be, and how widely it is applied and especially how developed, in every-day life. This tool once more brings to light how essential it is, using…

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  • Discovering who you really are

    Discovering who you really are

    Why did I choose this tool? When it comes to personal development, it is very common to see certain phrases or “commands” if you will. “Be yourself”, “have integrity”, “love yourself”, etc. While we may not disagree with these phrases and even find them valid, there is not as much out there about how you can practically go about doing…

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  • Cultures within a culture

    Why did I choose this tool? When I started traveling, I became part of the culture of “those who travel” from my country, and they had their own terminology, references, jokes, etc. When I started gaming it was similar, a whole new world of interests, terms and friends. This process repeated itself every time I entered into a new “sphere”,…

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  • Are you in the way?

    Why did I choose this tool? I chose this tool based on experiences that I have personally gone through or I have seen others go through. It gives a clear picture of what happens to a participant when the trainer, perhaps knowingly or even unknowingly, shoots down the contribution of a participant. This can cause negative feelings in the participants…

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