Competence model articlesDesigning Educational ProgrammesDeveloping an educational approach based on the principles and values of non-formal learningIs comfortable having a flexible and adjustable programOpenness and readiness for unexpected elements when defining the educational approach

Flexible Thinking

Elements that trainers should always take into consideration and transferring into a learning experience.


Flexible thinking is one of the three main executive skills. The other two are working memory and inhibitory control (self-control). Together, these skills allow people to manage their thoughts, actions and emotions in order to get things done.

Think about what might happen when a child encounters a tough math problem. She uses inhibitory control to stay focused. She uses working memory to keep the formulas in mind so she can use them. And she uses flexible thinking to come up with alternative ways to solve the problem when her first attempt doesn’t work.

People who struggle with flexible thinking will likely also struggle with other key executive skills. But that doesn’t mean a person will have the same degree of weakness in all three skills. This person may have more trouble with flexible thinking than with working memory, for instance.

Flexible thinking is a skill we use throughout everyday life. People with poor flexible thinking skills can often seem rigid. They may seem fearful of change or easily frustrated by challenges that come their way. That’s because they tend to get “stuck” in one activity or in one way of perceiving things. They also have a hard time coming up with alternative solutions.


What does it mean for you as a trainer to develop flexible thinking and at the same time transfer it to the participants as the main learning approach?

  • Relax and become more physically flexible. Learning to relax physically can help you to be less rigid about other things. Practice yoga stretches or tries deep breathing techniques.
  • Think about how much you have changed and all the new ways of thinking you have developed since you were younger. For example, if you were 12 you could consider how much you’ve matured and how your interests have changed since you were 9.
  • Practice trial-and-error learning. Do something with the peers in which it is clear that there is no right or wrong answer. For example, rearrange the books on a bookshelf to see how they look best.

Reflection Questions:

  • How do you understand flexibility?
  • Why is it important for you in your daily life to develop such skill?
  • How do you practice flexibility in your life?
Federica de Micheli

Federica de Micheli

A training focusing on participation as methodology (not only as topic) is based on a certain value premise that believes in the empowerment of all the learners and supporting the equal participation of the ones with fewer opportunities or in situations of disatatage (temporary or long term). The focus of participatory training is not just about ‘knowing more’ but about…

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Reference/made by/originally from: understood.orgLinks to documents out of the project:

Demicheli Federica

Master in Intercultural Mediation, trainer and researcher for Erasmus + National Agencies, GIZ and other international institutions about Intercultural Learning,Youth work and Youth Policies and Community Development. She is part of the pool of trainers about Recognition of non-formal education “Recognise it” of the German National Agency Erasmus + and Salto EuroMed RC and she coordinated the Conference on the recognition of non-formal education in 2018 in Naples. Member of the working group of the “Time of Show Off” publication on the role and methodologies of youth work and non-formal education. Initiator of the online professionals discussion group in Italy on “Youth work in Codiv crise”. Founder of the association “NINFEA” for the recognition of youth work in Italy. Professional Youth worker and expert in Youth Policy at National and European Level (author of the Youth Wiki page for Italy).

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