panic zone

  • Competence model articles

    How to develop tolerance to ambiguity and change

    Why did I choose this tool? This tool uses a concept that is familiar to most trainers, that of the comfort zone, and makes it applicable to understanding and becoming more tolerant of ambiguity and uncertainty. How does this apply to being a trainer? There are so many layers of ambiguity in a training, from the ambiguity experienced by the…

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  • Competence model articlesLearning zones

    Learning zones

    Why did I choose this tool? Skill is something you develop by practicing. I believe it is a lot easier to start practicing when you have basic knowledge on how the skill can be practiced and what to keep in mind before and during this practice. These are the basic theories of learning that will give you an idea of…

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  • Being willing to take on responsibilityChallenges ahead

    Challenges ahead

    Some years ago I visited Croatia and its beautiful Plitvice lakes. The tour of the region brought us to a lake, which was placed on an actual old mineshaft that now represented a beautiful turquoise lake. Near that lake, there was a steep cliff around 10-15 meters high from where the locals were diving in. The picturesque scenery, good mood…

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